An eclectic collection of bits n pieces of news from the weekend. Amazed that there weren't any war wounds from the biggish collection of weekend warriors that took to the surf. Waves have been pretty thin in the bay lately, so when a few ridable lumps presented themselves on Saturday and Sunday it was fairly chaotic out there at times. Paddle-skiers going over the falls backwards and taking out the longboarders, kneeboarders riding over shortboarders, boards getting ditched and missing pips by centimeters. A dude on a SUP, who managed some sort of record by getting up on one side of his board and falling off the other about 6 times in a row, in the flats nogal. All in all, the wave quality might have been negotiable, but the entertainment was top class! And in between all the close shaves, there was some good surfing going down. Scott was ripping after a month in Indo, Kyle was just ripping as he always does, and Chris was giving his longboard whiplash - despite succumbing to performance pressure when the huge gaff he was planning to throw down in front of the chicks paddling out went awry and he bogged rail instead... Big Dave also provided some entertainment for the bystanders watching a certain fickle right point up the road. Dave is not particularly nimble, and his board isn't particularly small (11ft!), so clambering out over the rocks is NOT an option. That meant paddling out the slipway. Which I'd like to point out, at low tide when an east swell is running and there's a nice sandbar - well, it isn't easy. I've done the rinse n spin cycle a few times there myself. Anyhow, Dave didn't follow the road rules, and instead of looking left, right, left, just looked up right towards the point and thought he was good to go. He didn't look left, and proceeded to get nailed by a sneaker set and washed across over the rocks at Huletts! Anyway, Dave's one persistent bugger, so after putting all the pieces back together he got through on the 2nd attempt. And got rewarded with some lekker waves for his effort. Tertio and Krispy were so busy enjoying the lil wedges at Hummies that they didn't realise their kit on the beach was falling victim to affirmative shopping. So if you see some suspicious dude rocking a CYOH tee - bliksem the ou and take it back - cos it sure as hang ain't his. Well done to Johnny Bakker (vice president) and Emile Zoetmulder (board member) on getting awarded their places on the South African Surfing association council. EP is probably the best run surf province in the country, so awesome that Johnny and co. get take those skills and passion and dedication to the highest level. Good luck guys, we're really proud of you. And last but not was a few Millers Locals birthdays yesterday - Jorg Brand & JP Degamois continued the relentless march to Balliedom. Jorg got lank spoiled by his lady, Carrie -she painted an awesome picture of him laying down a slash at Hummies. The pic was snapped last year, and Carrie put some oils to canvas so that now Jorgs spray will hang in pride of place on the wall in their pad. Beats getting socks and hankey's for a bday pressie any day!
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July 2021