Fairly quiet week wave-wise, with a bit of a pop in the swell for the weekend. Certainly a few lumps about to have a bit of fun on. Water still chilly though. Roll on summer. Well, before summer comes spring - which was on Friday last week. Plenty of crazy peeps decided to celebrate by doing an early morning Spring Day swim. Unfortunately there still seem to be quite a few finned ou's around at the moment. On Sunday at lunchtime a 4 m plus grey-suited chap chowed a seal right next to the kids at Point and then swam up to Supers. That'll get ya blood pumping! Way back in 1968 there was a massive flood in PE. It created a swathe of devastation, including ripping apart the Humewood beach area. Check this shot of the Herald from this day (4 Sept) - look closely and you'll also see a cooking lil wave at Baked Beans... The north Indian Ocean just keeps delivering. For those who'd like to score some warm water waves before it's over give me a shout. Some good deals on Sail Shantaram if you quick. Plus you get to snorkel with these cool critters. Gotto love manta rays! Our crew had a swim with these guys yesterday. Other PE peeps who are in warmer climates right now is local Marc Jucker - making the most of the Padang Padang wave machine. Eina - look after your ears! Greg Heasley had the infamous surfers ear op last week. No fun in that. Best way of ensuring you don;t need your ears drilled is to keep em warm and toasty and the water out. Squid lids and ear plugs for the win. For anyone who enjoys a really well written piece of surf journalism, then go check out Chas Smith's account of his surf trip to Yemen. Yes. Yemen. When he isn't writing clickbait drivel for his Beachgrit website, Chas can pen an exquisitely written tale. Just start with the prologue and go from there - a really good read. http://beachgrit.com/2017/09/yemen-forget-that-youre-young/ Every wondered what else you could do with your boogie board leash. Turns out it's an effective way of keeping the mini-groms attached! Some o's are now selling these online! Lekker weather on Sunday - and a bunch of Hobie Cats took to the water. Some decided it'd be a good idea to sail through the line-up at Millers. Ridden over by a SUP is one thing, but rate getting a Hobie on the head would take it to a whole nother level! So kiff to see these guys back in the water. Hobie Beach is called Hobie Beach for nothing! Still some cool sunrises and sunsets about, although as summer approaches expect them to get a lil less spectacular. More on that soon....
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July 2021