Another summer week for sure. Didn't even get wet. And that takes a lot to do cos normally will surf anything from 6 inches upwards. Coupla waves about if you wanted to drive round the corner, but with the active sea-life situation we have at the moment you gotto be on ya toes. Nov/Dec is the busy bitey time of the year at exposed beachies.
Often the saying goes "the surf's as flat as a lake" - pity we didn't have some action like Lake Ontario. Coupla barrels even! Take that kinda "flatness" any day of the week.
Lekker summer days mean peeps like to hang out at the beach, but keep an eye on your stuff if you do. The mounted police are doing regular patrols along the coast but can't be everywhere all the time, so take responsibility for your stuff and don't be doff about where you leave it.
Summer also means lotsa peeps in the water that wouldn't normally be there, so keep an eye out for anyone that looks like they're in difficulty. Specially when the onshore is jamming and there's that gnarly rip at Clubhouse and towards the Avo's rock. Ou's not so good about reading the no swimming sign and go in for a dip and get into the rip.
JBay's got a clever sign system they've just implemented - where at the entrance to each beach is a sign with a specific code relevant to that beach - so if you need to call for assistance you quote that number and the emergency services know exactly where to go. Hopefully our own NSRI/Coastal Water Rescue guys can get something similar for us.
The calm weather and warm water saw a bit of red tide appear at JBay for a coupla days - look hard at the pic - you'll see a bit of red out there on the horizon! Thankfully nothing has manifested in the bay in PE that I'm aware of so holding thumbs we stay clear of it.
How's this awesome shot of Bruce's back in the day - no surf, no problem, just sandboard instead! Pretty sure that's the jump rock right under the "Francis" in the caption? Must have been amazing to surf the SF/Seals area back in those days. Progress isn't always improvement.
Seeing as we're doing vintage, pretty sure anyone over the age of 40 will fondly remember the 1995 Billabong Challenge. Bong owner Gordon Merchant, legend film-maker Jack McCoy and Rabbit came up with the novel concept of a comp for the best surfers in the best waves. Cos back then the Dream Tour was still a dream and ou's were competing on the ASP in super crap waves most of the time.
So they loaded up some 4x4's, some tents and some tinned food, and missioned to the Mystery Left in the West Aus desert (Gnaraloo). Scored it absolutely pumping. And triple sucking. Rob beat Occy. Then they came over to JBay, and hooked Supers going off it's pip at perfect 8-10ft. Kelly took the win over Occy, with local Warren Dean in 3rd. This was back in the day when Kelly had hair. The video's of those comps are so legendary. As are so many of the surf vid's from back then. Pity no more VHS machine to play em on. Green Iguana, Bunyip Dreaming, Pump...remember those!?
After some successful nagging by local activists including the No Nuke PE group, Eskom's consultants for Thyspunt have finally allocated a public participation meeting in PE. Interesting move to host it out in New Brighton. If you wanna go have your say, and see what they have to say, then pull in to Tuesday 8 Dec 17h30 at Century Hall in New Brighton. More deets here
Prince Harry made a lil beach mission to hook up with the Surfers Not Street Children program when he was in Durbs last week.
Sihle Mboto, 23, a former street child enrolled with the organisation, said that meeting Prince Harry was a "big deal". "Growing up on the streets you would never think that someone like a prince would be coming to meet you. It's really exciting," he said. Sihle said it was great to meet Prince Harry at Surfers Not Street Children's downtown Durban home, where 12 former street children live. But Mboto wanted Harry to return the favour, so tuned him "I might be in England in January. Since you've seen my house, I should check yours!" Pretty sharp, ay!
The Vans World Cup was such a great advert for surfing. Real, proper, meaty, moer-you-if-you-make-a-mistake kinda surf. Barrels were either perfect or painful. Ou's stepped up their game and charged. Mick took out Wilko, JJF and Julian for the win, and is looking a hot favourite to regain the World Title at Pipe.
It's that time of year again when the cut's decided for who's up and who's down in WSL. The following Top 10 QS surfers will be guaranteed a spot on the 2016 Championship Tour: Caio Ibelli (BRA), Jack Freestone (AUS), Kolohe Andino (USA), Miguel Pupo (BRA), Alejo Muniz (BRA), Kanoa Igarashi (USA), Alex Ribeiro (BRA), Conner Coffin (USA), Davey Cathels (AUS) and Ryan Callinan (AUS).
Particularly keen on seeing Conner Coffin. Ever since I saw a Surfer mag article on him and his bro's trip to JBay a while ago have been impressed with his surfing. Kid with a rock solid A-Grade rail game. So good to see.
You won't be going home after your surf with an empty tum this summer. The Street Cred Chef will be parked at Pipe for the season, dishing up some tasty takeaways. They'll be open til 9pm every evening, so you can grab a takeout for supper as well - they'll have a different supper menu, which will change regularly. Stuff like kiff curries and fresh linefish etc
Steve Sawyer has headed over to China for the Longboard World Champs. But unfortunately China airlines managed to misplace his board. When you see what their Left Baggage section looks like not hard to see how stuff could go missing! Lil bit of home away from home action right there.
If you heading out to Seals over the hols, no more missioning to St Francis for your block of wax or leash or whatever. Cody Futeran has opened up a surf shop just down the road from the cafe, and it's packed to the rafters with surf and summer goodies, so pull in.
Pe’ahi aka Jaws, delivered some monstrous surf for it's the first World Surf League (WSL) Big Wave Tour (BWT) competition to be held out there. 40ft of deep open ocean swells jacking up on the reef saw some serious death or glory stuff. If you didn't watch it, do yourself a favour and check out the highlights. How ou's don't die out there I'm not sure. Billy Kemper took the win from Albee Layer - both Maui locals, and Greg Long came in 3rd.
The code red conditions were throughout Hawaii, with Pipe getting some solid sets washing through. Evan Gieselmann pulled into a 15ft double up closeout and Pipe and got knocked unconscious and suffered a 3 wave hold down. Lucky for him Saffa booger Andre Botha saw it happen and swam over to pull Evan up and start rescue breathing on him and get him to shore. Thanks to Andre Evan lives to surf another day. Respect.
Seeing as there was bogger all surf happening in the bay will have to end off with some kiff vintage shots from back in the day. When there were waves!
Bailing for Indo midweek, so things will be quiet on the website til mid-Jan as there's bogger all internet out there, and when there is it makes dial-up look speedy.
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July 2021