This is how the week started. We might be a hick town, but yrr, we get some spectacular sunsets! And as if that wasn't enough - this is what we had on Tuesday... Plenty of super fun lil waves to start the week as well. Monday morning through to mid-arvo had a few, and a lekker sneaker swell came through on Tuesday - waves all day! Be bummed if you missed it. But late arvo things had dropped off plenty - might have been the spring high killing it off a bit. Although am sure a certain left wedge woulda had no problem with the full tide. After a promising start to the week it went miff until Sunday morning again, when a few glassy lil peelers pulled through in the morning.....and then continued throughout the day. The NE never really materialised. Everyone needs to pray/wish for/positive think or whatever you need to do to get the winds to behave for early next week - some seriously solid 16 sec period swell is predicted to wrap into the this stage the winds look east, bleh. For all those groms out there - you might not be familiar with this guy cos he doesn't surf much in the bay these days, but shew - he is by far one of the best power surfers this town has ever produced. In an era of flippy, twitchy surfing, he reminds us that nothing beats power surfing and burying the rail so deep it leaves permanent scars on the wave face. Kody McGregor took a swim at Super last week and scored this great shot of Dylan, who being typically humble says "I think I bogged it after that!" Betting you we all wished we could surf like this ou bogs! JBay's Steve Sawyer has wasted no time in slotting right in to life in Yankee land. He scored some beauts at Malibu recently, and what's impressive by Malibu standards is that he's got these bombs all to himself. The reeling right can get crazy crowded, and most waves are generally family waves! For all those aspiring loggers out there, SF local Richard Arderne has come up with the perfect way to teach yourself to noseride! Just ink on a pair of feet up at the nose, and then go plant yours right there. Too clever... A week of spectacular sunsets was matched by some equally spectacular sunrises. Here's a few of the beauts that were captured by the local photags as JBay, SF and Seals. It's hell in Africa! The pro circus leaves Rio with another Brazzo champ. Irrespective of the quality of the surf, no one can argue that the Brazil stop on tour gets the biggest crowds by far. Everyone in Brazil loves surfing. Even old dudes in budgie smugglers playing bat & ball. JJF being a total professional and posing with the fans. KS photobombing in the background. Classic. A blast from the past shot popped up this week. Remember Oceans Surf Shop in Rink Street - massive place packed with all the coolest surf gear. Brownie Moulang has his mitts on a kiff looking stick shaped by legend Spowy (wish we could still get boards from that guy, but apparently the courier costs from up there are a bit hectic!). Carpark John the car park. The Kowie crew will know that when there's a big swell running the mouth can be a pretty gnarly place. Apparently not so gnarly though that some ou's won't take the gamble to get out of it in a skiboat. Port Alfred resident Peter Britz captured this "WTF is he doing" moment on Monday morning. Apparently the geelbek were running and so guess this ou was keen to hook a few. But shew, not sure if you can catch enough fish to make that risk worthwhile! Hectic. Baywest Mall opened it's doors and apparently half of PE went to check it out. Luckily for all those ou's that are gonna get dragged off for some mall madness soon - the new Billabong shop will save your sanity - sneak off there to check out surf movies on the big screen TV whilst your significant other does the wall-the-mall-flat thing.
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AuthorMillerslocal Archives
July 2021