Another small week leaves us day-dreaming about the kind of waves that ex-Bluewater Bay local Craig Anderson scores on a regular basis. Here's Morgan Maasen's shot of Craig making it look effortless. Gotto be one of the most fluid surfers out there. No waves, but plenty of other happenings in the bay. Jeard the Jester will be leaving our shores and heading up to work in Cape Town. Can't blame the guys for bailing for greener pastures, but will be sad to lose our lil cruise boat. Would often give rise to the set of the day as it sailed passed behind the line-up! In retrospect shoulda hired it during flat spells to just cruise up and down between Chomp Rock and the Pier - our very own wave machine! Well done to the J-Bay crew for excellent results at the Quiksilver Get Free contest in Cape Town. Joshe was 2nd u16, Matt 1st u20, Jerry 2nd u20 & Steven 2nd in the Open men. Nice surfing guys! Hope the ice-cream headaches have subsided. Coupla the PE entrants for the comp decided to get a lil warm up sesh in at Vic Bay on the way up to CT. Here's Josh Enslin seeing if he can blow out his knee's whilst he blows out the back of the wave. Practice musta helped cos he hooked a good quarter final finish in the QUIK Pro CT. No surf normally means no wind, and some chilly waters on the wild side gave rise to quite a few foggy misty mornings in the bay. Always fun to imagine that the surf is firing somewhere in the fog bank, but nope, generally it's still flat as a pan. Been lucky that the bay has kept really comfortable water temps, whilst the wild side and Seals area have had some serious rubber days. PE local James Booth-Jones is on a travel mission to Central America at the moment. Looks like he's scoring pretty good! Gonna catch up with him soon to find out more about his trip so far. Other travelers are Barry, Greg, Donovan, Carl and Justin. Just a quick trip over to Maldives for some sun, surf and palm tree's. Charts are looking good for the end of the guy's charter - so hoping they might hook into something like below - which was early March in the Southern Atolls. Doesn't look too Maldives like does it, more like Indo on steroids! The surf gods can have a funny sense of humour when they want to. Take Snapper for instance. Dead flat and decidedly dull for most of the Quik Pro GOld Coast event, despite an extended waiting period. And then the day after the comp ends, this happens...... Stoked to see that cormorants are pretty good surfers. There're plenty locals out at Millers....who often pop up next to you and give you that heart-stopping moment til you work out it's just a bird. Turns out they don't mind hitching a ride when they can - Luc caught a bit of penguin surfing going down at SAMREC recently. Nice weather means no surf usually, but at least the week threw out some good sunsets! Luckily charts looking a bit better for this week, so let's hold thumbs.
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AuthorMillerslocal Archives
July 2021