Typical feast or famine PE surf missions. The week before cooooked. This past week? Not so much. Still some scraps to get wet on. It did mean ou's were frothing on the dawnies to avoid the onshore breezes. When last you see 20 ou's in the water at Pipe before sunrise!? The light onshores did mean there was some air time to be had. Lighties just have to work on spotting their landings a bit better as one of the Pipe regular morning crew collected a grom on the head. William Vietch has been doing lots of swimming lately and been hooking some lekker shots. Try not to ride over Williams head. Remember the golden rule of surfing - where you look - you go. So don't eyeball the poor photag as you bearing down on him. He'll get out the way - his pip depends on it! There were actually enough waves to get CarPark John in the water. Happy to report he is finding his mojo again and caught some! That's one of the cool things being back home. Back to my daily chats with John. For the last 20 years this is how it goes: Ring ring ring John: "Keeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyyy" Me: "Howzeeeeet! What's happening!?" John: " As you can see, nothing!" (sometimes alternating with "As you can see, it's kak!") Pretty much the exact same opening to our daily phone call every day for 20 years. I can probably count the number of times he's said "It's cooking" on one hand! But then again, John doesn't throw out the "it's cooking" description too often. He has pretty high standards! Where it was cooking this week was Maldives. Wish I was still locked down there. Certainly wouldn't be out there in this size, but know enough hidey holes where it bends round the reef and becomes friendly size. It was also cooking in Gauteng. Actually it can cook there pretty much every day of the week. You somme just have to flick the switch. Ex-Millerslocal and Sun City GM, Brett Hoppe, just loving the fact that he doesn't have to worry about crowds or tides or onshores or sharks (or SUP's! Brett "loves" SUP's...) The only variable is the water temp, and it can get frigging cold up there - I remember surfing the pool eons ago and just as we were packing our stuff for the trip I thought "hey, maybe I should throw in a suit" Just as well we did, was about 14C! If you looking for some super funky tables, chairs or cushions, pop into the Locally Yours Market at Moffet Retail Park. Surfer-girl Margot Saunders has her awesome range of goods there. Or just tune Margot direct. Like whilst waiting for sets at the back of Pipe, you can buy a cushion! #buylocal #Supportsurfers Haibo. Skollie alert. Fence locals - keep your eyes peeled for this vehicle, as the driver is suspected of breaking into Craig's car this weekend. Whilst he was changing into his suit this car pulled up and parked in front of him, the guy then lay down acting as if he was gonna take a nap. After walking a lil way down the beach Craig decided the ou was too suspicious and came back to find him snooping around the cars. So Craig moved his car into the main car park. After his surf he got back to find the lock popped, but thankfully he hadn't left anything worth taking inside. Also watch out at Loch Ness, a car was broken into there last week as well. Not much on the charts for this week. Lekker long period swell on the weekend - but heavy easts. So if you know a spot that can handle that, then you in the money.
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AuthorMillerslocal Archives
July 2021