Shew, hope everyone stuffed themselves silly with waves over the past week, cos the charts are looking like summer right now. Pretty much zero swell on the horizon for the foreseeable future - the crystal ball says there's nada for the next TWO WEEKS! Basically this Thursday n Friday will be the biggest days in the bay in the next 2 weeks - and they're only gonna be 2ft and NE!! Gulp...
That means dust off your shark pod, grab a crew cos safety in numbers, and hit the wildside. Flat seas and north winds will no doubt dish up some fun lil ramps in the nooks n crannies running westwards of Cape Recife. Just watch out for the wildlife both in the water and on land... The long ranges forecast from Surfline reckons we're unlikely to get anything about hip high in the bay for the next while, and Jbay is unlikely to fair much better. How you interpret the open ocean swell forecast above is as follows - take the swell size and divide by half to get what'll rock up at the beach out at Jbay, and then divide by half again for what we'll get here in the PE bay - NOT nice results, hey! Not good news for the Bong, which starts at the end of this week. Guess they can't get lucky like they did last year - which saw the comp run straight through from the first day of the waiting period and finish in 3 days flat with booming swell. This year looks like JBay might be won by tricks not tubes. That's OK, our man Jordy is pretty fine at both. Hopefully the shocker heat he had against Pat Gudaskas in the semi's of the Mr P Pro over the weekend will be his kak heat out the way, and he'll be firing at Supers. Let's hope the swell machine rumbles back into action again soon, cos we kinda got nice and spoilt with that sweet run of swell we've just had. Reality check to go back to typically cruddy PE conditions. Ag well, guess that's what being a Bay surfers all about. Long periods of nothing and flurries of activity. Comments are closed.
AuthorMillerslocal Archives
July 2021